Date(s) - 08/11/2024

Liberty Hall Theatre

Singular Artists proudly present Niamh Bury live on 8th November 2024 for a headline show at Liberty Hall Theatre, Dublin. Tickets are available from on Friday 21st June at 10am.


One of the most lauded artists to emerge from Ireland’s unparalleled folk music scene, Niamh Bury shares her debut album Yellow Roses via Claddagh Records


Produced by Brían Mac Gloinn (Ye Vagabonds), Yellow Roses features 10 exquisitely-crafted songs, including the singles ‘Beehive’, ‘Who Am I To Tell Him?’, ‘Discovery’ and ‘Budapest’.


With the album release comes new single ‘Bite The Bridle’, a song Niamh wrote directly after an encounter she had with a horse in Dublin’s tourist heartland, Temple Bar. “It was a hot summer evening, and the driver had just loaded six large men into her carriage,” Niamh tells us. “She wouldn’t budge, but started to stomp her hooves on the cobblestones, as sparks started to fly. The driver simply remarked, ‘She’s not happy about something’. It made me think of the ways we ignore the needs of ourselves and other beings just to keep the cogs turning. There comes a point when the bridle must be broken and we run for the hills.”


Ever since Niamh Bury debuted her first single – the mesmerising ‘Beehive’ – in July 2023, listeners have been entranced. Her vocals and songwriting prowess are rightfully lauded, but the technically-skilled musicianship possessed by Niamh is so evident on Yellow Roses that it cannot be overlooked – this is an incredibly accomplished debut record. 


In Niamh Bury’s music, listeners can hear a diverse range of influences from artists as varied as Fiona Apple, Bright Eyes and Paul Simon, as well as the amalgam of folk, classical, jazz and alt-rock music that formed such an integral part of her childhood. Niamh grew up in a musical household on Dublin’s northside; her mother is a classically-trained pianist and her father is a guitarist and singer. “My mum is the classical side of my brain; she’s an amazing piano player. She plays Rachmaninov, Chopin… There was always a lot of classical music in the house, and my mum would often take me to the National Concert Hall,” says Niamh. “My dad is more like the folk side of me; he’s an amazing guitarist and singer. He’s a great showman and a storyteller – and he has the most beautiful voice.”


This intricate mix of influences are apparent on Yellow Roses, from the sublime piano intro on album opener ‘Discovery’ (Ryan Hargadon) to the closing bars of ‘Budapest’, with its delicate piano, cello (Kate Ellis) and double bass (Caimin Gilmore) continuing to swirl like leaves in the wind long after the richness of the vocals and guitar have settled. Niamh’s lyrics and subject matter display a mature but wondrous world view couched in hope and appreciating the beauty and complexity of the world around us.  Debut single ‘Beehive’ is a song about the overlapping of myth, folk wisdom and science; ‘Who Am I To Tell Him’ cautions against judging people by their circumstances; ‘Simmering Pots’ looks at the tension between the comfort of domesticity and the freedom of being untethered to a place. Niamh’s love for her family makes its way into songs like ‘Pianos in the Snow’ and the title track ‘Yellow Roses’, songs about her mother and grandmother, respectively. Niamh’s deep understanding of the storytelling elements of folk music (honed over years as one of the chief organisers of the renowned traditional singing session The Night Before Larry Got Stretched at The Cobblestone Pub in Dublin) are evident on her rendition of the traditional ‘Lovely Adam’ and the original ‘Ballad of Margaret Reed’, a song about a widow who was accused of being a witch and was subsequently burned at the stake. Of this song, which displays incredible songwriting talent, Niamh says: “The witch trials are a subject of fascination for me and the ripples of their implications are very much present today with the ostracisation of anyone who threatens the power of the patriarchy.”


Niamh Bury has been hailed as one of Irish folk’s most exciting new talents – a particularly prestigious coup during a time when the genre is garnering so much attention around the world. The respected UK music magazine CLASH referred to Niamh in an interview as “The rising voice breaking boundaries for Irish folk”. RTÉ Radio 1 has featured all of her singles on their coveted ‘RTÉ Radio 1 Recommends’ list. The Sunday Times featured her on the cover of their Culture Magazine as her first single ‘Beehive’ was released – an incredible achievement for a new artist; such is the regard in which Niamh and her music are held. 


Last December, Niamh stunned audiences at Other Voices Dingle where she played three very special sets. 2024 began with Niamh being named in The Irish Times’ noted ‘50 People to Watch in 2024’ list, shortlisted in the Best Emerging Artist category at the the RTÉ Radio 1 Folk Awards and invited to perform as part of the ceremony, invited to perform at The London Irish Centre as part of their A, and added to the incredible ‘Tradition Now’ line-up at the National Concert Hall in Dublin. 


With the release of Yellow Roses on Friday, fans can expect to hear 10 considered and lovingly-crafted songs that conjure maps of conversations with oneself, loved ones, imaginary characters and those who have passed on to other worlds. 

Niamh Bury